30 maio 2004

238 - Jet Set

A atracção de Steven Spielberg pelos uniformes do pessoal da aviação comercial continua com o seu novo filme - The Terminal - que estreia em Junho, nos EUA.

237 - Those were the days

A flower?!

236 - NP...

235 - Café e Cigarros

O novo filme de Jim Jarmusch - Coffee and Cigarettes - tem Iggy Pop e Tom Waits, entre outros.

234 - Tao Te Ching (28)

Know the male,
yet keep to the female:
receive the world in your arms.
If you receive the world,
the Tao will never leave you
and you will be like a little child.

Know the white,
yet keep to the black:
be a pattern for the world.
If you are a pattern for the world,
the Tao will be strong inside you
and there will be nothing you can't do.

Know the personal,
yet keep to the impersonal:
accept the world as it is.
If you accept the world,
the Tao will be luminous inside you
and you will return to your primal self.

The world is formed from the void,
like utensils from a block of wood.
The Master knows the utensils,
yet keeps to the the block:
thus she can use all things.

233 - Peter Gabriel

Agora que me vou convencendo, cada vez mais, que a SIC Radical vai dar o concerto de PG em directo do Rock in Rio, fui visitar a página de Tony Levin, onde ele mantem um diário da tournée.

25 maio 2004

232 - Tao Te Ching (27)

A good traveler has no fixed plans
and is not intent upon arriving.
A good artist lets his intuition
lead him wherever it wants.
A good scientist has freed himself of concepts
and keeps his mind open to what is.

Thus the Master is available to all people
and doesn't reject anyone.
He is ready to use all situations
and doesn't waste anything.
This is called embodying the light.

What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret.