23 dezembro 2005

O sério e o ridículo (ou Lost in translation...)

O Guardian relatou a notícia do seguinte modo:

Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, were "married" as the first same-sex civil partnership ceremonies took place in England and Wales today.
O The New York Times fê-lo assim:

Sir Elton John, left, and his partner, David Furnish, arrived in Windsor, England, for their civil partnership ceremony Wednesday.

Mais à frente, o mesmo artigo explica que

Although it stops short of calling the new arrangement marriage, unlike in the Netherlands, Canada, Spain and Belgium, the legislation gives gay couples legal rights similar to those of married people in areas like inheritance, immigration and pensions, as well as responsibilities in areas like child-rearing.
A RTP 1, no Telejornal de 21 de Dezembro de 2005, deu a notícia do casamento, falou dos noivos e referiu-se ao marido de Elton John (ligação aqui - seleccionar TELEJORNAL, 21-12-2005 em OUTRAS DATAS e FFWD para 1:03,55).

O Público de hoje também fala em casamento. O DN de ontem começava bem, falando da união civil entre casais do mesmo sexo mas logo de seguida borra a pintura toda falando de casamento.